Wednesday, June 22, 2011


 My cousin Aqui and his daughter Valentina. 

Me and Samaya! 

Take 2.

Samaya and her Great Grandmother. (from my father's side)

Sammi and her dad! 

Kisses everyone! I love the weehugger diaper! 

Baby Valentina!

I had such a great time with my father's side family! We had cake, talked  and had a blast! We also went out to a Peruvian place for Fathers day but guess what? I totally forgot my camera! sorry! we had a quite early dinner and good conversation! Plans have been set for the Fourth of July, now were playing the waiting game to see if dad's (Jermaine) schedule will allow him to go with us to VA! I'm super excited, and I'll know by Thursday if he's able to join us! I cant wait to be surrounded with my sister and friends! bye bye for now! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

party time!!!

Today Samaya, Jermaine and I will be visiting my aunts house, She's going to be celebrating her daughters 13th birthday! yay! I'm just so excited to see my grandmother on my dad's side, my aunts and my cousin's that I love so much! Some Haven't even met Samaya and she's 9 months already! I can't wait till tonight, Hope we have a blast! and yes i will be taking my big ass camera! I wanna have pictures with Samaya and family to me that's very important! So I will update with pictures tomorrow!!! One more yay for famila, and the love and happiness that just surrounds you when their around!
 Hope everyone feels loved where ever you guys choose to spend you day! I now feel free, because speaking the truth really does bring a sense of freedom! <3 go out to all my viewer's because if you didn't read i probably wouldn't be writing! thanks for keeping this small time blog going :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

So, its been a while four days lol, its been to warm to go out but its getting cooler out which is great! yesterday we spend the day with my brother, went to queens got my eyebrows done and hair straighten! fun times! and miss Samaya behaved very well all day! Came back home and cooked chicken, white rice and made a small salad! It make me very happy to cook and have my brother clean out his plate and ask for seconds! very proud moment for me, and too bad for him, because I don't cook alot of food so there wasn't much left overs! I've been thinking here and there about Samaya's party, what are we going to wear, how am I gonna keep it fun, but i decided today no more thinking! lol I'm just gonna set aside a list and cross out things as they get done, no more adding to the list! Its a one yr-old's party come'on... today I was trying to plan out our July 4th, celebrations, but don't know whats gonna go down just yet! But I am very proud to announce that I have a god father for Samaya! We have been deciding who will be the lucky man and we found him! omg he's perfect! lol! hope Sammi and him have a great relationship! There are talks of when my daughter will get baptized but no definite date! I also ordered a few more Sunbaby diapers these pocket diapers are great to use while out and about and for babysitters since they are very simple to put on and take off and they have the cutest prints!!! ok, gotta clean the kitchen, bye for now!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

warmer days ahead?...

okay so us new yorker complain allot I know, its always to cold, or hot, or rainy, or muggy, but gosh darn its freaking HOT!!!!! We are not made for this weather, I feel as though I'ma melt. I went to the city yesterday to pick up Jermaine from work and have a small stroll through Manhattan, but omgsh, we could barley do that...  We did manage to stop at stride rite and buy Samaya some shoes! yay! I would of never thought that I would be spending 39 bucks on kids shoes but there good for her feet and will help her walk better, and to be honest we haven't really spent $$ on shoes for Samaya and shes nine months old so its justified! I will however say, when she start to walk only buy shoes that will help her feet, not the cheapest or most expensive but something that makes sense and will not destroy her feet. I think that's very important, just like we adults care what we put on our feet we need to give her feet even more care and attention! anyways I also stopped at babyrus for a shade extender and they were sold out! so my baby was hot to say the least! Today we need to go grocery shopping but I'm willing to wait at least until 4pm to go outside (its that bad). I also have started to plan Samaya's 1st birthday! I'm so excited! it will be a ladybug theme and will take place in the park! I hope we have fun, chill and relax, were three months away from the big one year !! so excited!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

infant teething... and a look into whats to come

while i believe my daughter is taking it very well, i just cant help but to blog about it! I can see the skin that is being pushed out before the tooth shows up, my daughter instead of complaining yells and screams as if shes saying "shit this hurts mom". I must say shes been teething for almost a month now for only two teeth, I don't know if this is going to continue to be like this for every tooth or just the first few times (maybe four teeth) but I will say, shes been eating more as long as I feed solids before nursing, she is way more mobile than before, shes almost cruising and she just learned how to crawl less than  two weeks ago! at 9 months old she kinda small 17lbs and 14oz and almost 26 inches tall (she's in the 50% so not that small). Samaya has come a long way and I'm so happy I was able to stay home this past yr, but this isn't for me, I need to feel like I'm hustling everyday, I want to get back on the grind and back to work. I think what makes it better is that I'm not being force to get a job or return to work, I will be looking for a new trade, maybe even going back to school to learn something new, not sure yet but I will be out and about! Hope my baby girl understands that mommy is doing this to better herself and be able to bring something to the table! I also have been going over a lil small blog/entry that I kept from the moment I knew I was getting induce for labor! I will be sharing that story when my daughter turns a year old! I might also share my text messages that took place with those 13 hours before the birth of my daughter! Now they aren't sweet actually more like there very,very mean! but hey I was a woman in labor and omg did those contractions hurt! anyways time to hand wash more diapers, while Jermaine is still home, to watch baby!! talk to y'all soon!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

love me some family time!

 My cousin, Jazz came to my house plans were to hit Jones beach but then it changed. Omg for the better, she wanted to eat tacos and have Margarita, who doesn't want to do that??!? Well we found this place in Willamsburg, NY its amazing! it was my first time going there and I'm not big on taco or burritos but I had a beef burrito with seasoned potatoes instead of rice, lettuce and tomatoes! yummilous!! and we both had strawberry margaritas! again yummy! Sammi did come with us and even though she is teething she did very good! she nursed before we had lunch and drinks and then she played quietly in my lap as we talked and ate! I enjoy my time with jazz bc she is honest and real! She talks from the heart and doesn't mean to harm anyone! At times misunderstood but like all family its a love hate relationship and as long as you work on it, it will always be there! Sammi is sleeping! time to go! bye!