Saturday, July 30, 2011

bday diapers!!!!!!!

omg its here, i have 3 custom made cloth diapers being made for my baby girl! One arrived today! and its amazing and our first ruffle diaper!! Its a cover so i can re-use it all day! Its way better than what i thought it would be! I find these work at home mom's thru esty or fb or babycenter. This one is from Lil Bit Customs and she is fantastic! okay the pictures are up! Now i cant wait to look for outfits! have fun people!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Night... w/a 10 month old

so its a Friday and what is on the To Do list.... NADA! This is kinda sad! :( its friday and im in bed, been here since 9:30 pm. I am tired but geesh, i just wish i was in bed with someone i can snuggle and kiss. Kissing is soo good, as is snuggling. I miss the hell outta kissing! Well anyways baby is sleeping, time to close my eyes and sleep, Then tomorrow it starts again... Goodnight people!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birthday preparations....

So, today I received my goodie bags! OMG!! I'm trying my best to be as green as possible, and I found the best. I order snack bags for the infants... or kids under two to receive. I don't feed my daughter sugar, and i don't expect anyone else to. So the infant goodie bags as I will call them will be all re-usable (because be honest everyone needs a goodie bag when out and about, and behold you will get one at Sam's party! They were all made by a work at home mom, I found her on ESTY her store name is KB Exquisites. I will be filling these infant goodie bags with goldfishes, mum mum's snacks and Maracas!!! as there toy! omg I love it, I'm sooo excited! I will post pictures when I have a chance!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Birth control.. read @ your own risk..TMI

So I have been going back and forth since Samaya thinking what type of birth control would work for me.... I thought the mini pill which I was on for about a week then I just forgot to keep taking them (obviously not a good choice for me) Next was going on the depo shot, its once every three months not a bad choice except can cause moodiness and I already have tons of that.I also looked at the nuva ring, you insert it i believe once a week, I was looking for birth control with NO hormone's to start off with, something I didn't have to remember to take at the same time every day because lets be truthful, I just cant remember...haha. Then I stumbled upon the IUD, looks promising, but go online and google it omg... the bashing begins.... I was very afraid. My sister had (bc she just took it out last week) the paraguard IUD, no hormones, she said she had cramps often, strong menstrual flow, spotted frequently, but hey no babies in two years.... So it must work. LOL. To say I was afraid was the very least but I was sure of a few things... I don't want kids at this moment and/or in the next two years, I want to enjoy sex without condoms, when you are in a committed relationship asking your partner to wear a condom is for the SOLE reason of preventing pregnancy. (I know who I'm sexing so I'm comfortable going without the condom) so my decision was pretty much made up. I made my appt and then waited two weeks, they said NO SEX, but again when your in a committed relationship two weeks is long time to go without, I had sex but did use a condom. When I finally went to get the paraguard IUD inserted the doctor said you could have sex but you must use a condom (YAY!!!, no need to confess then:), because if you are pregnant and have an IUD in place, VERY SERIOUS ISSUES CAN/WILL ARISE.
Okay so the procedure I guess we can call it that took roughly about 4 minutes. I must say it is uncomfortable but its being done for a reason, and that reason isnt for pleasure. So with that said you feel strong cramping I would even say its like labor contractions. After the procedure I was cramping alot to say the least, but I walked/rushed to CVS and got some Ibuprofen and popped three pills (a bit much but darn it, I was in pain). Then I went shopping! I really did, I went to babyRus and got my daughter some snacks. I did want to go clothing shopping but I didn't want to push myself. I came home and rested. I had cramps the rest of the day. But I stood in bed, didn't cook we had Chinese and by bedtime I was feeling alot better. We even DTD and it didn't hurt! :) I did also have slight discharge, The doctor said I would. But it was very light. Today is day two and I have yet to take meds! I haven't had any cramping today at all! I am bleeding a little bit but nothing a pantie liner cant handle! As of right now I'm am very excited to have chosen the paraguard IUD for me but the real test will be once my aunt flow comes into the picture! I hope my period stays the same, light and short, but from what I have read/heard.... I better get ready for three pills, a warm compress and bed. I will update, of course if i remember, my progress with the paraguard IUD! I hope that if someone is considering IUD's realize that they arent as bad. Then again I must say, NOT EVERYONE will react the same way, and/or have the tolerance for pain/uncomfortableness that comes with insertion! Happy shopping for Birth control!
- As I was leaving the doctors office after I popped my three pills I asked Jermaine, Why doesnt every girl/woman have and IUD? There would be so many prevented pregnancy's...!!! Feel free to comment below on any of your stories with ANY type of birth control. Until next time be safe!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heat wave....

omgsh its been hot, hot, hot in new york city! Im just praying for some rain soon. We, me and samaya have been coup'd up in the bedroom just about the whole day hanging out with the AC and watching Desperate Housewives... its on netflix's. LOL. Tomorrow we might go and have a lunch date with my cousin Jazz, cant wait! I've also started to look for work, real work... boo, but it's actually something I want to do, not being forced. Im still scared to leave my baby girl with a daycare but , I just have to! Im so excited to start working again. I know it will be very hard to manage everything, wrk,house and baby - oh and my dogs but after being home for almost 18 months im READY!! and as a woman I just feel the urge to do more. So here's hoping to have a job by January. Well, until next time blog... good night!
- oh and I will be posting pictures of my lil girls special 1st bday, it will take place Sept. 3rd 2011.
Have a great night, sweet dreams.

Monday, July 18, 2011

okay so, since i've been back I feel as if i dont have enough time... I need to get back to my schedule where, taking care of my baby, cooking dinner, and cleaning my house were an everyday thing. I feel so tired and never feel like cooking! thats a bad thing! i dont cook, we dont eat!

A few days ago Jermaine and I went to look at some parks for Samaya's 1st birthday and I'm very excited to say we found one! woo-hoo I already did the invitations just need to send them out! Im so happy that everything is coming together! hope the day of my pumpkin's birthday is everything i wished for and more!  Were trying to get Samaya to walk before her birthday and might sucseed but its hard! she wants to take off running!  And know a few pictures from the park and the small street fair we went to afterwards! enjoy!

chilling in her Sunbaby pocket diaper! <3 this diaper!

"whats up ma?"

Took a nap with her cousin Adrian, he's four months old!

Mom, Dad and Baby!

Lani joined us at the street fair! 

Monday, July 11, 2011

long time no talk...

omg where have I been?.... its been a long since since I blog, not because I don't want to... but I took a unexpected vacation to Virgina and spend two weeks with my sister and her husband! while I was there I also went to visit my friend, Jellybean's place she just moved to Alexandra,VA. I love Va. Kinda wanna move there but I would need to drive, and a stable job to even think about it.. but one thing that really pulls me in there is the school system its very, very good! I want nothing but the best for my little ladybug! i will be posting like a million pictures because that pretty much what we did in Va took pictures of everything. It was the first time Samaya went in a pool, we also went to the dc zoo which was a blast! um, for the Fourth of July we baked cupcakes and i decorated one for my baby girl! we also had a little BBQ with close friends! again these last two weeks were a blast and I would def be going back to Va very soon! :) now look out for the photo bombs coming your way!!!!
Samaya ready for her first time at the pool!

chilling with mommy, she didn't like any of the floaters.

yudy and Samaya

try to walk/scoot... she looked soo cute

Samaya and Jazz. Great smiles