Saturday, December 3, 2011

Im a working Momma... with a huge HEADACHE!!!!

Hi there long time!

So I have been working at a retail store, just doing some basic stock work and OMG I am in love with working. I wish i could be there all the time! LOL not really, but i do enjoy working again. I only wish I had more responsibility, I feel like I can be giving said company 100% more of me, My thoughts and ideas and Im not allowed to! Its kinda annoying but I guess it will have to do for now. I need to remember as much as I want to work hard and get my career/self worth back, I will be missing on time with my daughter and that don't fly with me. I hate that the three days that I work now I come home and she goes straight to bed.. I miss my mommy and baby days!

- So today I'm sitting here thinking which way will I go? will I be the hard working career oriented mother/person that I am at heart? or will I work just enough to pay for childcare and enjoy my daughter toddler days!
I guess being a mom isn't a day/night/hourly/weekly struggle, when a person has a kid omg that bond is unbreakable! I feel as if everything is on my shoulders and I want to make only the BEST decisions! WHAT IS THE BEST decision?? who knows? Shit not even me... lol hope i make the best one for my family!
-Hope all my readers are doing okay and having fun! Were still cloth diapering and i plan on making some fitted cloth diapers to maybe sell or at the very least introduce my family and friends to a better way   for diapering there children! I'm thinking that maybe Feb. or March i can start to get my projects together.
Good luck and continue to read! Hope to be writing more often, Im getting Samaya back on her sleeping pattern, her molar's are no longer an issue at least for tonight.... lets hope it last more than one night!